[Webinar replay available] Resumes for the Proposal Win (Expert tips to turn people into scoreable Strengths) | Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar

[Webinar replay available] Resumes for the Proposal WinProposal professionals often give little thought to proposal resumes beyond compliance.

Yet, resumes can highlight and prove discriminating Strengths.

In this follow-up to Your proposal is not a story (and 10 tips for telling effective proposal stories!), join Lisa Pafe and Beth Wingate to learn how to:

  • Polish resumes
  • Turn your personnel into the heroes of your proposal stories
  • Create persuasive evidence of your solution Strengths

Click to watch webinar replay and download handout and presentation

Who should watch: Proposal Managers, Capture Managers, Proposal Writers, Proposal Editors

Click to watch webinar replay and download handout and presentation

Presenter: Lisa Pafe, Vice President, Lohfeld Consulting Group

Lisa Pafe, CPP APMP Fellow and PMP, is Vice President of Lohfeld Consulting Group, a premier business development, capture, and proposal consulting firm that helps companies win government and commercial business. Her professional background includes 30 years of experience in project and proposal management, marketing, business development, capture, training, and public speaking.

Lisa has served as President, Vice President, and Speaker Series Chair of the APMP National Capital Area (NCA) Chapter. She holds a BA from Yale University, MPP from Harvard University, and MIS from The George Washington University.


Moderator: Beth Wingate, President, Lohfeld Consulting Group 

Beth Wingate, CF APMP Fellow, is President of Lohfeld Consulting Group. She has more than 30 years’ proposal development, management, and corporate communications experience, specializing in managing responses to large government procurements and task order proposals. Beth served as proposal center director for Lockheed Martin and before that for 12 years as proposal center director for Management Systems Designers, Inc. (MSD) (acquired by Lockheed Martin).

Beth was inducted as an Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) Fellow in 2010. She is APMP’s 2014 Past CEO, 2013 CEO, 2012 COO, 2010–2011 Director of Education, and 2008 and 2009 President of APMP’s National Capital Area (NCA) Chapter. She served as the Chapter’s Executive Summary Newsletter Chairperson, publisher, and editor from 2005 to 2007. She regularly presents at APMP International and regional conferences. She’s been an active APMP member since 1996.