Confessions of a proposal production expert – graphic design (Part 2 of 5)

In this post, Briana Coleman, PPM.APMP shares her top 4 tips for developing graphics for a proposal. Tip 1: Develop graphics as the exact size you need For example, if… Continue reading Confessions of a proposal production expert – graphic design (Part 2 of 5)

Helping proposal introverts open up and play nice? Ask the Proposal Doctor

Our solution architect is a brilliant person who is also a Serious Geek and unreconstructed introvert. This person does not want to interact with anyone and does not express himself well in writing. He will only talk to people who are as technical as he is, and that is a very small club.

Keeping an accurate compliance matrix while facing multiple amendments? Ask the Proposal Doctor

As wonderful as automated RFP-shredding tools are, they don’t provide a good answer to multiple amendments and Q&As. Wendy Frieman shares her time-tested approach.

The 25% solution

This week, Brenda Crist described the 25% Solution and provides advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers once an RFP drops. I titled this post the 25% Solution… Continue reading The 25% solution

Confessions of a proposal production expert – desktop publishing (Part 1 of 5)

In a previous series on our Insights blog (search “Proposal production across the business development life cycle”), Briana Coleman, PPM.APMP explained the production best practices all companies should perform during… Continue reading Confessions of a proposal production expert – desktop publishing (Part 1 of 5)

7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” –Alan Watts In this wrap-up to my 3-part series… Continue reading 7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

5 proposal yoga poses to add to your life cycle

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, increase flexibility, and regain composure – all highly beneficial to the harried proposal professional. Lisa Pafe suggests some ways to incorporate these… Continue reading 5 proposal yoga poses to add to your life cycle

6 changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

“Nothing endures but change. Change is the only constant.” –Heraclitus of Ephesus Business transformation, process improvement, continual improvement, business process improvement. Call it what you will. The gist of the… Continue reading 6 changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

Is the government starting to hate LPTA too?

I was surprised (and relieved) to learn that government proposal evaluators are pushing back on the use of lowest price, technically acceptable (LPTA) evaluation criteria—and for good reason.

Getting a non-producer to deliver? Ask the Proposal Doctor

Proposal Doctor Wendy Frieman shares techniques for dealing with a proposal writer whose work is “in progress, ready soon” – but never delivered.