Tag: govcon

Presentation available – Proposal writing and the eight-second attention span

In this updated presentation, Lisa Pafe reprises her highly rated SPAC 2017 presentation and shares how to modernize your proposal writing (relevant for all proposal managers and writers). A 2015… Continue reading Presentation available – Proposal writing and the eight-second attention span

How strong is your business ecosystem?

Achieving a consistently high proposal win rate requires a highly capable bid and proposal team, in addition to a strong business ecosystem consisting of contracts, finance, human resources, recruiting, technical… Continue reading How strong is your business ecosystem?

DHS FLASH 2.0: Should you invest in this procurement?

After the Department of Homeland Security cancelled the $1.5 billion Flexible Agile Support for the Homeland (FLASH) procurement May 26, the vendor community was irritated, and rightfully so. This Small… Continue reading DHS FLASH 2.0: Should you invest in this procurement?

Opportunity Alert: NOAA NEMITS IDIQ

If you pursued the Department of Commerce (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAALink program, whether successfully or unsuccessfully, over the course of its 9-year acquisition history, be aware… Continue reading Opportunity Alert: NOAA NEMITS IDIQ

The root causes and solutions to “100 words that kill your proposal”

Bob Lohfeld published an article in Washington Technology several years ago called 100 words that kill your proposal. He explained, “Inexperienced proposal writers seem to use words that should be… Continue reading The root causes and solutions to “100 words that kill your proposal”

SeaPort-NxG: Major changes ahead require a revamped win strategy

SeaPort-e is a Multiple Award Contract (MAC) that contractors either love or hate. For most of the 3,196 award holders, the Navy’s flagship vehicle has generated little if any revenues.… Continue reading SeaPort-NxG: Major changes ahead require a revamped win strategy

Alliant 2 and other billion-dollar contracts worth watching this fall

Last week, Lisa Pafe and Beth Wingate sat down with Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller to discuss the latest updates on Alliant 2 (GSA requested bidders extend their offers through… Continue reading Alliant 2 and other billion-dollar contracts worth watching this fall

Presentation available | Proposal writing and the eight-second attention span

In this presentation, Lisa Pafe reprises her highly rated SPAC 2017 presentation and shares how to modernize your proposal writing (relevant for all proposal managers and writers). Click to download… Continue reading Presentation available | Proposal writing and the eight-second attention span

Highlight your Strengths

We all know the adage: features tell, but benefits sell. This tired, old adage of how to sell is true, but in the federal space, Strengths result in the win.… Continue reading Highlight your Strengths

Government Matters | Francis Rose and Bob Lohfeld discuss 10 Steps to creating high-scoring proposals

Government Matters (ABC7 and NewsChannel 8) host Francis Rose and Bob Lohfeld discuss Bob’s new book, 10 Steps to creating high-scoring proposals: A modern perspective on proposal development and what… Continue reading Government Matters | Francis Rose and Bob Lohfeld discuss 10 Steps to creating high-scoring proposals